Lenox, MA -Condo

Auction Details

Auction Address:
16 Meadow Lane, Bldg 7 # 5,
Lenox, MA 01240
Apr. 22, 2025, 12:00 PM

Auction Description

Sale of Real Estate Under M.G.L.c. 183A:6

1,552+/-sf condo located at the Rolling Hills Condominium believed to have 5 rooms with 2 bedrooms and 3 baths.

Terms of Sale: A deposit of $5,000.00 by cash, bank or certified check will be required at the time & place of sale & balance within 30 days. All other terms announced at sale. Neither Auctioneer nor Association nor Attorney makes any representations as to the accuracy of the information contained herein. Allcock & Marcus, LLC, Braintree, MA., Attorney for the Association.

16, #7-5 Meadow Lane, Rolling Hills Condo, Lenox, MA -Legal Notice